Djmax Portable除了拥有与PC版相同的游戏模式及网络对战模式外,还将拥有PSP独有的无线对战功能,最多可6人同时连线对战!以及PSP版独有的更多游戏模式。更令人兴奋的是DMP将拥有自己独有的原创音乐。
DJMAX portable限量特典中附送有两张DJMAX的原声CD,目前韩国playstation官方已经正式公布了附送CD中的曲子
01.바람에게 부탁해
02.Ray of Illuminati
03.Luv Flow
04.Elastic STAR
06.Save My Dream
07.End of the Moonlight
08.Jupiter Driving
09.Never Say (Long Version)
10.Revenge (Long Version)
11.One The Love (Long Version)
12.Extreme Z4
13.Fever GJ
14.Enemy Storm
15.Out Law
17.Light House
18.Long Vacation
19.Catch Me
20.Bright Dream
22.Road of Death
23.Chrono Breakers
24.Memory of Beach
26.바람에게 부탁해 ~ Live Mix ~
27.Out Law ~ Funky Jam Live Mix
28.Elastic STAR ~ UK Garage Mix ~
29.바람에게 부탁해 ~ Japanese Version ~
01.Sunny Side
02.Can We Talk
04.Funky Chups
08.Let's Go Baby
09.Ya! Party!
10.ON (Long Version)
12.Rock or Die
14.Astro Fight
15. 아침형인간 (Long Version)
16.Eternal Memory~소녀의 꿈~(Long Version)
20.NB Ranger
21.피아노협주곡 1번
23.Minimal Life
24.Triple Zoe
26.Sunny Side ~ deepn' soul Mix ~
27.OBLIVION ~ Rockin' Night Style ~
29.Yo! Max!
DJMAX Portable2 Audio Trinity
01. Ruby Tuesday - Your Own MIRACLE
02. 3rd. Coast - sO mUCH iN LUV
03. Esti - Ladymade Star
04. Forte Escape - Another DAY
05. Planetboom - Brandnew Days
06. Makou - A Lie
07. Electronic Boutique - DIVINE SERVICE
08. Dayzz - NANO RISK
09. zts - plastic method
11. ND Lee - GET OUT
12. Planetboom - Starfish
13. Bexter - Brave it out
14. DJ Mocha - Fallen Angel
15. Makou - Right Now
16. ND Lee - 설레임
17. Makou - For Seasons
18. Ruby Tuesday - Showtime
19. The Nauts - Mess it up
20. TSUKASA - Chain of Gravity
21. Nien - NB RANGERS : Returns
22. EarBreaker & eszett - Fentanest
23. Nien - MidNight Blood
24. M2U - Memoirs
25. Makou - Dream Of You
26. M2U - Phantom Of Sky
27. Makou - Smoky Quartz
28. ND Lee - GET OUT (Extended Viersion)
29. Ruby Tuesday - Showtime (Extended Version)
30. M2U - Memoirs (Extended Version)
01. Ruby Tuesday - Stay with me
02. Bexter - Syriana
03. 슈퍼꼬마 - higher
04. ND Lee - STALKER
05. Croove - Minus 3
06. Bermei.Inazawa - lost n' found
07. Electronic Boutique - Negative Nature
08. Xxdbxx - 태권부리
09. Makou - Rocka-a-doodle-doo
10. Makou - Yo Creo Que Si
11. Forte Escape - Yellowberry (AJ Mix)
12. 3rd Coast - Bye Bye Love
13. Planetboom - Get On Top
14. NieN - IKARUS
15. Oriental ST8 - SQUEEZE
16. M2U - Seeker
17. Electronic Boutique - miles
18. Dayz - My Alias
19. Xxdbxx - Cherokee
20. Ruby Tuesday - Good Bye
21. NieN - Hello Pinky
22. Nauts - Sunset Rider
23. zts - WhiteBlue
24. NieN - NB POWER
25. M2U - Nightmare
26. NieN - Rolling On the Duck
27. M2U - BLYTHE
28. Ruby Tuesday - Stay with me (Extended Version)
29. 3rd Coast - Bye Bye Love (Extended Version)
30. Ruby Tuesday - Good Bye (Extended Version)
01. Ruby Tuesday Remixed By Makou - Your Own Miracle (Disco House Mix)
02. Makou Remixed By Electronic Boutique - A Lie (Deep Inside Mix)
03. ND Lee Remixed By DJ EON - Get Out (Hip Noodie Mix)
04. Forte Escape - Another DAY (Ambient Pop Mix)
05. Makou Remixed By Planetboom - For Seasons (Air Guitar Mix)
06. ND Lee Remixed By Croove - 설레임 (Chip Chip Mix)
07. Makou Remixed By DJ EON - Right Now (Double Up Mix)
08. 3rd Coast Remixed By Forte Escape - So Much In LUV (Melodic Hip Twisted Mix)
09. 3rd Coast Remixed By Electronic Boutique - Bye Bye Love (Nu Jazz Mix)
10. Bexter Remixed By DJ EON - Syriana (Blast Wave Mix)
11. Bexter - Zet (Bonus Track)
12. Makou Remixed By Bexter - Yo Creo Que Si (Live House Version)
13. Electronic Boutique - Sweet You (Bonus Track)
在8月初韩国DJMAX官网放出了最新的FLASH版网站,并且在网站明显位置标记有“DJMAX METRO project”,DJMAX的这次官网变动随之引起了国内外媒体及玩家的高度关注,而国内大部分玩家普遍认为这次DJMAX新作都将会是PSP版的DJMAX Portable 3。8月12日,DJMAX开发商PENTAVISION与往常一样,选择了与他们非常亲密的韩国媒体“ruliweb”作为新版DJMAX首部片头PV的首发媒体。可以看到新版DJMAX的BGA果然猛!
《DJMAX TECHNIKA》首部PV以一个回顾的形式展现了DJMAX从2004年到2008年的发展历程,从最初PC平台的DJMAX online到PSP版的DJMAX Portable 2,DJMAX先后共推出4个版本的作品,而本次的《DJMAX TECHNIKA》则是DJMAX的第5部作品。在以往作品影像展示完毕后,最新作的BGA动画开始轮播,结束后出现了《DJMAX TECHNIKA》的影像,这是大家才知道最新作是一款大型机台作品。但,当Only For Arcade出现后,预测《DJMAX TECHNIKA》只是DJMAX METRO project的一部分,也仅仅是一个开始。
3.DJMAX VIP白金会员ID Card(5种随机1种,用于DJMAX社区与DMT使用)
DJMAX TECHNIKA Original SoundTrack - Technika Mixing
01. BJJ - First Kiss
02. Tsukasa - The Clear Blue Sky
03. ReX - 고백, 꽃, 늑대
04. Makou - Voyage
05. Sweetune - 너에게
06. Tsukasa - In My Heart
07. Lin-G - Remember
08. Ruby Tuesday - Your Own Miracle
09. Electronic Boutique - Divine Service
10. bermei.inazawa/UC - Melody
11. ESTi - Ladymade Star
12. Lin-G - I want you
13. Electronic Boutique - Miles
14. Oriental ST8 - Dear my lady
15. 3rd Coast - Coastal Tempo
16. ESTi - Oblivion
17. ND Lee - Y
19. Sugardonut - Fury
20. Urbatronic Chopstick - The Last Dance
21. 3rd Coast - STOP
22. CROOVE - Sweet Shining Shooting Star
23. M2U - Blythe
25. Oriental ST8 - Shoreline
26. Tsukasa - Colours of Sorrow
27. Urbatronic Chopsticks - Play the Future
28. SPHAZER - Area 7
29. Planet Boom - Supersonic
30. xxdbxx - Cherokee
31. Tsukasa - Landscape
32. Forte Escape - Para Q
33. ZTS - WhiteBlue
34. ESTi - SIN
35. Hosoe Shinji - SON OF SUN
36. Humming Urban Stereo - Honeymoon
DJMAX TECHNIKA Special Track - Platinum Mixing
01. BJJ - First Kiss (BJJ Original)
02. Tsukasa - Colours of Sorrow (Album Track)
03. ND Lee - Y (Full Version)
04. SPHAZER - ACCESS (Extended Version)
05. bermei.inazawa - Melody (Full Version)
06. Planet Boom - Supersonic (S4 League Original Sound track)
07. Sweetune - 너에게 (Extended Version)
08. Tsukasa - The Clear Blue Sky (Album Track)
09. 3rd Coast - STOP (Extended Version)
10. Makou - Voyage (Instrumental)
11. bermei.inazawa - Melody (bermei.inazawa Original)
12. 3rd Coast - Coastal Tempo (Long Version)
13. Urbatronic Chopsticks - Play the Future (Full Version)
14. Tsukasa - In My Heart (Album Track)
15. Hosoe Shinji - Son of Sun (Full Version)
16. Ruby Tuesday - Your Own Miracle (DJMAX Portable 2 Original Sound track)
17. Pentavision - Bouns Track

http://www.imeem.com/people/RX99 ... are-music-playlist/
DJMax Portable Black Square OST-Black-
01. BJJ - Get Down
02. 3rd Coast - STOP
03. BEXTER - Ruti'n
04. nikacha - Fever Pitch Girl
05. ND LEE - Y (BS Style)
06. Lin-G - Remember
07. Croove - Sweet Shining Shooting Star
08. Sweetune - Secret World
09. Plantboom - Lovely Hands
10. Lin-G - I Want You
11. Humming Urban Stereo - Honeymoon
12. ND LEE - Lover (BS Style)
13. 3rd Coast - Jealousy
14. Urbatronic Chopstick - The Last Dance (Eng Ver)
15. Trish - PDM
16. Croove - Desperado
17. Planet Boom - SuperSonic
18. Plantboom - Keys to the world
19. Sugar donut - Fury
20. ND LEE - In my Dream
21. Oriental ST8 - Shoreline
DJMax Portable Black Square OST-Square-
01. Tsukasa - Landscape
02. Tsukasa - Colours of Sorrow
03. Makou - Fermion
04. ReX - Heart of Witch
05. ReX - 고백, 꽃, 늑대 Part 2
06. Tsukasa - Grave Consequence
07. Makou - Beat U Down
08. 7 Sequence - Cypher Gate
09. Urbatronic Chopsticks - Play the Future
10. Ruby Tuesday - Ready Now
11. Oriental ST8 - Dear my lady
12. Bermei.inazawa - Melody
13. Earbreaker - Super lovely
14. Forte Escape - 바람에게 부탁해 Live Mix
15. Plantboom - River Flow
16. ESTi - Relation Again
17. Makou - Voyage
18. Humming Urban Stereo - DJMAX
19. Croove - Get Up
20. Nien - Real Over Drive
21. Hosoe Shinji - SON OF SUN
DJMax Portable Black Square OST-Extended-
01. BJJ - Get Down
02. ND LEE - Y (BS Style)
03. nikacha - Fever Pitch Girl
04. 3rd Coast - Jealousy
05. Sweetune - Secret World
06. Plantboom - Lovely Hands
07. ND LEE - Lover (BS Style)
08. Urbatronic Chopsticks - Play the Future
09. 3rd Coast - STOP
10. Plantboom - Keys to the world
11. ND LEE - In my Dream
12. Ruby Tuesday - Ready Now
13. Tsukasa - Colours of Sorrow (JAP ver)
14. Bermei.inazawa - Melody (JAP ver)
15. Hosoe Shinji - SON OF SUN
DJMax Portable Black Square OST -Special Remix +Bonus-
01. ReX - 고백, 꽃 늑대 (ACOUSTIC Ver)
02. STi - Fate (ENG ver)
03. Lin-G - Remember (Another Ver)
04. 3rd Coast - Jealousy (2Step Mix)
05. M2U - Memory of Beach (Remix)
06. Pentavision - Airwave (DMP CE PV)
07. Pentavision - HEXAD (DMP BS PV)
08. Pentavision - White Canvas
09. Pentavision - Dream Of Winds
10. Pentavision - Love Clazzico (DMP CE Title)
11. Pentavision - Black SQ (DMP BS Title)
12. ND LEE - Get Out (U.C Mix)
13. Trish - PDM (Original Ver)
14. Pentavision - Vacation
15. ReX - 고백, 꽃 늑대 Part 2 (Classic Ver)
16. ND LEE - Lover (RD Mix)
17. Lin-G - I Want You (RD Mix)
18. Oriental ST8 - Shoreline (RD Mix)
19. Humming Urban Stereo - Honeymoon (RD Mix)
20. 7 Sequence - Cypher Gate (RD Mix)
21. ND LEE - Y (RD Mix)
22. xxdbxx - 태권부리 (RD Mix)

DJMax Trilogy OST -T SIDE-
01. xxdbxx - Over Your Dream
02. Forte Escape - 바람에게 부탁해 Interlude
03. Forte Escape - 바람의 기억
04. Forte Escape - Catch You
05. Nauts - Streetlight
06. Forte Escape - My Jealousy
07. Nien - NB Girls
08. Bazooka - The One
09. Nien - Mind Control
10. 3rd Coast - Stop
11. xxdbxx - Talk! Talk!
12. Cycle75 - Ventilator
13. Nien - Someday
14. Nien - Mindcontrol (Long Version)
15. Nien - NB Girls(Long Version)
16. Stop (Long Version) - 3rd Coast
17. 3rd Coast - My Jealousy (Long Version)
18. Nien & Forte Escape - Hello Pinky (2007 Live miracle Part 2-1)
19. M2U & Forte Escape - Memory of Beach (2007 Live miracle Part 2-2)
20. M2U & Forte Escape - Eternal Memory (2007 Live miracle Part 2-3)
21. Forte Escape - 꿈속에서 본 것은 (The Epilogue Theme)
DJMax Trilogy OST -R SIDE-
01. Forte Escape - 바람의 기억 (Mellowtonic MIX)
02. Forte Escape - Let's Go Baby (ACID HOUSE MIX)
03. Forte Escape - Elastic Star (funktronic reformation)
04. Forte Escape - End of The Moonlight (Club Techtrain Mix)
05. Forte Escape - Ya! Party (DnB Freaks)
06. Forte Escape - Stop (Vapor Trail Twisted Mix)
07. Forte Escape - One The Love (Tropica Pinacolada Mix)
08. Forte Escape - Yo! MAX (Nevertheless stay forevery mix)
09. Forte Escape - 바람에게 부탁해 Original MR
10. Forte Escape - 바람에게 부탁해 Live Version MR
11. ESTi - Lady Made Star MR
12. Forte Escape - End Of The Moonlight MR
13. Nien - NB Power MR
14. M2U - Space Of Soul MR
15. xxdbxx - 태권부리 MR
16. Miya - 바람에게 부탁해 - BPM108 (C Key)
17. Miya - End of The Moonlight - BPM155 (D Key)
18. Sanch - Lady Made Star - BPM140 (F# Key)
19. So Fly & JC - Let's Go Baby - BPM110 (A Key)
PS:另求DJMAX Legacy Retro无损···记得貌似是网咯发行
PS2:DJMAX protable3有消息了?
本帖最后由 astra32 于 2010-03-08 17:26 编辑 ]