家族: 【影形】 - 浮遊靈
frankly speaking, i'm not interested in the slightest if you're a reseller. like me, many other higherups. other ones do - mao, for example. he's a kind guy who only wants his credits to go to a good seller. nothing more. other people, well - i guess some of them are envious. you find an item for cheap and you can earn a profit? good for you. infos have a cost as well. do you earn a profit on newbies' wallets? then you're a scammer, but it's a different matter. as for me, i don't know you. but you recieved an item and asked if i didn't make a mistake. a scammer would've picked it and stop.
❖チェリスソフト アイリスフィールド splushwave 玉藻スタジオ パスチャーソフト❖
家族: 【影形】 - 浮雲者
原帖由 魑魅魍魎 于 2017-06-11 19:38 发表 我可否要求解剖呢 bbl 以證明你是對的
家族: 魔军战团 - 魔族
Freya, Blade of Amethyst
原帖由 魑魅魍魎 于 2017-06-10 18:39 发表 飛是我心目中的神 雖然跟我心裡相差個十萬八千里........
原帖由 bblong002 于 2017-06-10 23:43 发表 要求加入电脑黑客妹子。。还要是萝莉的。。。要是黑发或者金发的。。。腹黑的性格。。双马尾什么的 可以有
原帖由 魑魅魍魎 于 2017-06-11 19:40 发表 順便 飛 看你能翻譯下麼 多個月前的一封HV遊戲跟人交流的訊息 偶然想到 當時機翻錯誤連連看不懂 frankly speaking, i'm not interested in the slightest if you're a reseller. like me, many other higherups. ot ...
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